Saturday, January 30, 2010

4th week of bible school

Honestly, this bible school is getting crazier. God's presence is moving in this school. Tears are been shed, and again He wiped it all away.

Holy ghost is breaking the heart that is long harden by the nature of this world. Breaking the wall of our heart and definatly it hurts.

The almighty creator is asking all of us, to surrender the key of asour heart to him?? Are you willing??

All i know is, is getting harder and harder to breathe!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Half way through It

I survived Residential Bible School yo.. one day three sermons wei.. One thing if i have to describe about RBS is that it require you to think alot.. zzz.. i hate thinking.. but so far it has been fun.. my life is challenge very dofferently.. haha.. i just don't know where to start.. but see you guys soon yea..

Friday, January 1, 2010

HAppy New Year

So it's been a year....